
12 Jun 2019An average person could ingest 100,000 plastic particles a year — equal to one credit card a week: Study...eating about 250 grams of plastic a year. Put another way, it’s like consuming 5 grams of plastic a week — the equivalent of munching through a credit card.

5 Jun 2019You eat thousands of bits of plastic every year
When researchers from Johns Hopkins looked at the impact of eating seafood contaminated with microplastics, they found the accumulated plastic could damage the immune system and upset a gut's balance.

Polyester fibers from polar fleece fabrics can wind up in your stomach.
11 Apr 2019Greenpeace calls for Nestle to act over single-use plasticsEnvironmental group Greenpeace on Thursday accused Nestle of not doing enough to reduce single-use plastics polluting landfills and oceans.
28 Mar 2019oxo-degradable plastic to be banned in Europe

The European Parliament voted to ban all products made of oxo-degradable plastic.
5 Dec 2018Beer, Drinking Water And Fish: Tiny Plastic Is Everywhere

Microplastics found in all sea turtle species
20 Aug 2018Beer, Drinking Water And Fish: Tiny Plastic Is Everywhere
Plastic trash is littering the land and fouling rivers and oceans. But what we can see is only a small fraction of what's out there. Since modern plastic was first mass-produced, 8 billion tons have been manufactured. And when it's thrown away, it doesn't just disappear. Much of it crumbles into small pieces.
20 Jun 2018China Won’t Solve the World’s Plastics Problem Any MoreBetween now (2018) and 2030, 111 million metric tons of trash—straws, bags, water bottles—will have nowhere to go
9 Jun 2018Five G7 nations adopt 'plastics charter' on ocean pollution“We want 100 percent recyclable plastics by 2030, because the ocean between the continents is currently full of plastic,” he said. “If you look at the Atlantic Ocean, there is already the equivalent of the French territory of plastic. So unless we deal with it, unless we also prevent additional production of plastic, we will foster a tragedy, an environmental tragedy.”
Jun 2018We Made Plastic. We Depend on It. Now We’re Drowning in It.If plastic had been invented when the Pilgrims sailed from Plymouth, England, to North America—and the Mayflower had been stocked with bottled water and plastic-wrapped snacks—their plastic trash would likely still be around, four centuries later.
Jun 201810 Shocking Facts About Plastic
31 May 2018Nanoplastics found to accumulate in marine organismsIt is estimated that there are more than 150 million tonnes of plastic in the world's oceans, with 8 million tonnes ending up there every year. This plastic can get broken down into smaller pieces and eaten by marine animals that mistake them for food.
29 May 2018Your Recycling Gets Recycled, Right? Maybe, or Maybe NotIn recent months, in fact, thousands of tons of material left curbside for recycling in dozens of U.S. cities and towns — including several in Oregon — have gone to landfills.
28 May 2018Europe plans ban on plastic cutlery, straws and moreThe European Commission wants to ban 10 items that make up 70% of all litter in EU waters and on beaches. The list also includes plastic plates and drink stirrers.
30 Apr 2018Pristine Lakes Are Filled With ToxinsMuch of the focus on plastic pollution centres on our oceans. Emerging evidence shows it’s also a problem in freshwater, which may even be the source.
7 Feb 2018‘We need to go much further, much faster,’ in changes to packaging urges Unilever chief.One dumper truck’s worth of plastic enters the oceans every minute