Q: What is NuPlastiQ Biopolymer?

NuPlastiQ is a revolutionary category of plastics that reduce fossil fuel-based plastic use and greenhouse gas emissions while also improving the functional performance of traditional plastics.

NuPlastiQ, a plant based resin, is made from 100% natural, renewable, plant-based resources such as potatoes, cassava, and corn and is a USDA Certified Biobased Product, using a proprietary (and rather revolutionary) process. It is then combine with popular plastics to produce a variety of unique, and highly beneficial, NuPlastiQ BioBlends.

Q: How many types of NuPlastiQ are there?

There are two main types of NuPlastiQ – NuPlastiQ Certified Grade (CG) and NuPlastiQ BioBlends.

The first is NuPlastiQ CG, our TUV OK Certified Industrial Compostability and Marine Biodegradable resin, for use with other biodegradable resins for which the end of life objective is a package or product that can be certified as industrial compostable or marine biodegradable. It passes ASTM 6400 and EN-13432 for industrial compostability and has been tested according to ASTM D6691 for marine biodegradation.

The second is NuPlastiQ XP & XD BioBlends, our “everyday” grade that we compound primarily with polyolefins to produce plastics that reduce fossil fuel-based resin use, greenhouse gas generation, and overall material use.

Q: How do NuPlastiQ Biopolymers compare to similar resins that are made with starch?

In the past, starch was used as a filler, which both reduced functional and environmental performance. This was due to the fact that the starch and plastic were merely mixtures, and not new solutions. The starch produced clumps and domains.

NuPlastiQ uses starch to create a new type of amorphous polymer that is then compounded with other resins to produce an entirely new polymer that actually enhances strength. When viewed under a microscope, NuPlastiQ produces a homogeneous melt, because the starch and plastic have chemically reacted to produce an entirely new polymer.

Q: Are BioBlend XP and XD Resins shelf stable?

Yes. They will only break down in conditions where biodegradation is meant to occur, such as industrial compost piles or marine environments. In fact, we have test data indicating shelf stability for at least 3 years from production.

Q: What products can be made using BioBlend Resins?

Various applications and products (using existing blown film, blow molding, injection molding, sheet extrusion and thermoforming processess) can be made with 4 distinct grades of NuPlastiQ BioBlend Resins

  • BioBlend XP High Performance Resins for Packaging & Films
  • BioBlend XD High Durability Resins for Durable Goods & Rigid Applications
  • BioBlend BC Biodegradable/Compostable Resins for Packaging & Films
  • BioBlend MB Marine Biodegradable Resins for Packaging & Films

Considering Compostable Packaging? Please keep the following points in mind:

  • NuPlastiQ CG combined with other polymers can meet ASTM D6400 standards and be certified as industrial compostable, as long as the partner resins are also industrial compostable by themselves.
  • NuPlastiQ CG combined with other polymers can meet ASTM D6400 standards and be certified as home compostable, as long as the partner resins are also home compostable by themselves.

Considering Marine Biodegradable Packaging? Please note that:

  • We have test results showing evidence that blending NuPlastiQ with traditional non-biodegradable polyolefins will result in plastic products that biodegrade in compost, landfill, soil, and marine conditions. However, these products will not pass ASTM D6400 Industrial Compost standards and cannot be certified as being compostable due to the fact that (ironically) the plastic products biodegrade without any preliminary fragmentation or disintegration.
  • While resins which contain NuPlastiQ have been shown to biodegrade in a marine testing environment, full testing of any such BioBlend resin is required before any claims or statements can be made.
  • There is no ASTM testing protocol currently in place that leads to certification for marine biodegradation. We are working with certain testing agencies to re-establish relevant testing protocols.